Fresh one please

Half way through all sorts of things Haribo will often announce that he needs a “fresh one please”, regardless of whether or not it is necessary. The announcement is usually made the second your bum hits the sofa, and various other jobs are usually found on the way to making a fresh one (usually a fresh beaker of juice), meaning you don’t end up going back to the sofa until much, much later.

It must be a trait he gets from me …

You will have noticed that things look a bit different around here; I decided we needed a fresh one.

When I set honey and haribo up I was new to blogging, and pretty much the entire world of technology and social media etc. etc., so I don’t think I really thought things through properly when choosing the theme and styling the blog as a whole. As I have been going along I have been noticing various little problems that have been niggling me, and after a great deal of thought and experimentation, I have decided the best solution is to make a fresh one.

We love having you all tag along, so we hope you like the new look, and continue to stop by.

Honey and Haribo x

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